Taishin International Bank (2023)

Signing Date 11 Nov 2019
Region of Headquarters: Asia-Oceania
Current EPFI Reporting Year/Period: 2023
Institutional Reporting: Link to Report


Please read the important notes and disclaimer for further information on ‘EPFI Reporting’, compliance and publication on the EP website.

Further information on this EPFI may be obtained through the Institutional Reporting hyperlink.

Project Finance Advisory Services

Total number mandated in the reporting period: 0

Project Finance Transactions

Total number that reached Financial Close in the reporting period: 5

Equator Principles Category A1 B2 C3
Oil & Gas
Power 1 3
Others 1
Europe, Middle East & Africa
Asia Pacific 2 3
Country Designation
Designated Country 4
Non Designated Country 2 3
Independent Review
Yes 2 2
No 1
Totals 2 3

Category A – Projects with potential significant adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are diverse, irreversible or unprecedented.


Category B – Projects with potential limited adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures.


Category C – Projects with minimal or no adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts.


Designated Countries are those countries deemed to have robust environmental and social governance, legislation systems and institutional capacity designed to protect their people and the natural environment.

Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition For Project Finance

This information is required under EP4. EP4 applies for those transactions mandated after 1 October 2020 and that have reached Financial Close by the end of the period being reported.

Project Name Reporting For Project Finance (And Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition Finance For Project Finance)

No. Project Name Sector Project Location(s) Year of Financial Close
1 BOO Project for High-Efficiency Heat Treatment Facility for Waste Others Taiwan, China 2023
2 Annan Energy CO., LTD. Power Taiwan, China 2023
3 Jhih-Guang Energy CO., LTD. Power Taiwan, China 2023
4 Eternal New Energy CO., LTD. Power Taiwan, China 2023
5 Changfang Wind Power CO., LTD. and Xidao Wind Power CO., LTD. Power Taiwan, China 2020

Project-Related Corporate Loans

Total number that reached Financial Close in the reporting period: 1

Equator Principles Category A1 B2 C3
Infrastructure 1
Oil & Gas
Europe, Middle East & Africa
Asia Pacific 1
Country Designation
Designated Country 4
Non Designated Country 1
Independent Review
No 1
Totals 1

Category A – Projects with potential significant adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are diverse, irreversible or unprecedented.


Category B – Projects with potential limited adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures.


Category C – Projects with minimal or no adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts.


Designated Countries are those countries deemed to have robust environmental and social governance, legislation systems and institutional capacity designed to protect their people and the natural environment.

Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition For Project-related Corporate Loans

This information is required under EP4. EP4 applies for those transactions mandated after 1 October 2020 and that have reached Financial Close by the end of the period being reported.

Project Name Reporting For Project-related Corporate Loans (And Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition For Project-related Corporate Loans)

No. Project Name Sector Project Location(s) Year of Financial Close
1 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area Construction works of civil and track from Guanshan(not included) to Shanli, LOT CB05 Infrastructure Taiwan, China 2024

Implementation of the Equator Principles

Taishin has formulated the ” Guidelines for Loan Applications to the Equator Principles ” and related checklists. All financing cases need to be reviewed in accordance with the Equator Principles. If the case meets the scope of the Equator Principles, it is necessary to evaluate the degree of impact of the case on the environment and society. According to the risk and impact size, it is divided into Category A, B, and C. Cases falling into Category A and B require an environmental and social risk assessment report issued by an independent third-party institution, which will then be reviewed by the Bank’s dedicated auditors and supervisors.

For cases that meet the scope of the Equator Principles, the undertaker must explain the content of the Equator Principles to the client, and confirm that the client is willing to abide by the Equator Principles. The Bank will provide necessary assistance. If the customer fails to comply with the Equator Principles, the customer’s financing application will be declined.

If the post-loan monitoring conditions are listed in the environmental and social risk assessment report issued by an independent third-party institution, the customer will be required to entrust an independent third-party institution to issue monitoring reports on a regular basis. The Bank’s dedicated auditors and supervisors will confirm whether the specified monitoring conditions are met. If the customer cannot cooperate with the implementation, or fails to meet the monitoring conditions and has no intention to improve, the customer will be asked to repay the loan.

Taishin has provided online courses on Equator Principles education and training for colleagues who are unable to attend in person or whose time is limited to meet their needs.

Further information on Taishin International Bank´s implementation of the EPs is provided at: https://www.taishinbank.com.tw/TSB/en/about-us/The-Equator-Principles/

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