CIFI (Corporacion Interamericana Para El Financiamiento de Infraestructura S.A.) (2021)

Signing Date 06 Apr 2007
Region of Headquarters: Latin America
Current EPFI Reporting Year/Period: 2021
Institutional Reporting: Link to Report


Please read the important notes and disclaimer for further information on ‘EPFI Reporting’, compliance and publication on the EP website.

Further information on this EPFI may be obtained through the Institutional Reporting hyperlink.

Project Finance Advisory Services

Total number mandated in the reporting period: 0

Project Finance Transactions

Total number that reached Financial Close in the reporting period: 4

Equator Principles Category A1 B2 C3
Oil & Gas
Power 4
Americas 4
Europe, Middle East & Africa
Asia Pacific
Country Designation
Designated Country 4 3
Non Designated Country 1
Independent Review
Yes 4
Totals 4

Category A – Projects with potential significant adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are diverse, irreversible or unprecedented.


Category B – Projects with potential limited adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible and readily addressed through mitigation measures.


Category C – Projects with minimal or no adverse environmental and social risks and/or impacts.


Designated Countries are those countries deemed to have robust environmental and social governance, legislation systems and institutional capacity designed to protect their people and the natural environment.

Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition For Project Finance

Total number that reached Financial Close in the reporting period: 1

Oil & Gas
Power 1
Sub-Total 1
Americas 1
Europe, Middle East & Africa
Asia Pacific
Sub-Total 1
Country Designation
Designated Country
Non Designated Country 1
Sub-Total 1

Project Name Reporting For Project Finance (And Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition Finance For Project Finance)

No. Project Name Sector Project Location(s) Year of Financial Close
1 Axxa Energy Power Chile 2021
2 Solek Power Chile 2021
3 Andes Solar Power Chile 2021
4 Banverde Power Mexico 2021
5 San Jacinto Power Nicaragua 2021

Project-Related Corporate Loans

Total number that reached Financial Close in the reporting period: 0

Project-related Refinance & Project-related Acquisition For Project-related Corporate Loans

This information is required under EP4. EP4 applies for those transactions mandated after 1 October 2020 and that have reached Financial Close by the end of the period being reported.

Implementation of the Equator Principles

CIFI’s environmental and social mission is to add value to projects by fostering the identification, assessment, and monitoring of their potential impacts on people and the environment, with the objective to manage and minimize their environmental and social risks and impacts while ensuring consistency with CIFI’s environmental and social requirements.

CIFI is a) committed to identifying and minimizing potential environmental and social risk and impacts in its lending; b) striving for positive development through effective and comprehensive environmental and social risk assessment, monitoring and supervision efforts; c) committed to carrying out a thorough due diligence of its direct investments to avoid or minimize negative impacts to people and the environment; d) committed to not providing financing to any project or company whose primarily business activities are listed in our Exclusion List; e) committed to securing resources to maintain our Environmental and Social Managing System (ESMS) as well as improving its overall environmental and social performance; and f) committed to communicating our environmental and social expectation to all our staff, clients, and other external stakeholders.

CIFI’s goals are achieved mainly through the use of our Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), which includes the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability (2012) and the Equator Principles (EP4 2020). In addition, CIFI may use other equivalent international best practices or international environmental and social standards.

CIFI’s robust ESMS is fully integrated into the investment cycle (identification, screening, and approval (or rejection) of transactions). To contribute to an overall effective ESMS performance, the Responsibilities for ESMS oversight and implementation are integrated within CIFI in four main teams: Business Development and Structuring Team, E&S Team, Portfolio Team, and Senior Management, while the Legal Team provides support to the four teams as needed.