Important Notes & Disclaimer

Equator Principles Financial Institutions Reporting (‘EPFI Reporting’) is the annual reporting (as per Principle 10 and Annex B of the Equator Principles) that EPFIs are required to submit (in accordance with the Signatory Rules) to the Office of the Equator Principles for publication on the EP website.

  • EPFIs are not required to publish information, related to its institution or client, that could be financially or commercially sensitive, or where disclosure would violate applicable laws and regulations.
  • EPFI Reporting is published on the EP website as provided by EPFIs. The Office of the Equator Principles does not carry out any form of assurance or verification of EPFI Reporting data, or of EPFIs’ application and implementation of the Equator Principles.
  • The Office of the Equator Principles confirms compliance with the EPFI Reporting commitment when it is submitted in accordance with the Signatory Rules and it meets the minimum requirements specified in Principle 10 and Annex B of the Equator Principles.
  • EPFI Reporting is published by the Office of the Equator Principles without guarantee of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, guarantees as to fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement, accuracy or completeness.
  • The Office of the Equator Principles shall not be held responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the data submitted by EPFIs and shall not be liable under any circumstances for losses which may arise from its use.
  • Click here for details on antitrust / competition law compliance.