Two commissioned reports supporting EP4 development

21 December, 2018 EP News

21 December 2018

The Equator Principles Association Annual Meeting was held in Washington D.C. on 16-18 October with focus on the internal development of the EP4 draft. A summary of outcomes was published online.

Commissioned reports

As inputs to the meeting, the Association commissioned two reports: a Strategic Review, conducted by ERM, and guidance to the Social Risk Working Group (SRWG), provided by Shift. Each supplier was commissioned through a competitive tender process with the supervision and agreement of the Steering Committee (SC).

More than 50 respondents provided feedback through interviews, surveys, or online questionnaire. The Equator Principles Association Steering Committee would like to sincerely thank all  those who participated in the process.

Summaries of each report and their recommendations are hereby shared publicly.

EPA Strategic Review Report: Executive Summary (ERM)

Enhancing the Alignment of the Equator Principles with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Public Summary of Shift’s Advice to the EPA

The Association continues to actively consider the findings and recommendations of both reports, and may specify which recommendations were taken up either in EP4 or through other EPA initiatives. Where relevant, we will identify which recommendations were not considered appropriate or de-prioritised.

Stakeholder feedback                                                                                          

Comments on these reports are welcome from any stakeholder. Any interested organisation or individual is invited to submit feedback via the online web form. All subscribers to the EP4 mailing list will receive notice when the draft EP4 text is released. For further information, or to subscribe to news alerts, please go to:


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